Thank you for inquiring about becoming a vendor at the amphitheater.
2025 Alton Amphitheater Vendor Form
Vendors wishing to participate in the Alton Expo should complete & submit the application specifically for that event.
No beverages are allowed to be sold. All beverages will be sold by the Alton Amphitheater Commission.
If you are selling food items, you must obtain a temporary event food permit from the Madison County Health Department at 618-692-8954. If you already have an annual food permit, the fee will be waived. Annual permit holders will still need to contact the Madison County Health Department and complete the temporary event food application form.
Any vendor who fails to follow Commission direction and rules may be prohibited from participating at future events.
Food Vendor Fee: $100 per event
Non-Food Vender Fee: $50 per event
All vendors will receive a 10’ x 10’ space. Limited power is available for vendors and will be allotted on a first come, first served basis. Vendors must provide their own extension cords, tables, and tents and must comply with all on-site instructions. While the grounds will have event security, it is your responsibility to secure all valuables.
Completed applications should be submitted to Interim Parks & Recreation Director Lyndsey Younger at [email protected] or 2 Emma Kaus Lane, Alton, IL 62002. Vendors will be considered by the Amphitheater Commission in the order their applications are received.
Following notification of vendor approval, vendors must submit all payments, permits, and proof of insurance to Interim Parks & Recreation Director Lyndsey Younger, 2 Emma Kaus Lane, Alton, Illinois 62002, no later than 3 weeks prior to scheduled events. Any vendor who fails to submit payment and other necessary information will not be allowed to participate in the event. Checks should be made payable to City of Alton – Amphitheater Commission.
Questions should be directed to Interim Parks & Recreation Director Lyndsey Younger at [email protected] or 618-463-3580.
All decisions of the Alton Amphitheater Commission are final.